Villa Daraboš

Privacy policy

OPG Darabos (VAT: 65652611824) respects your privacy and is committed to protecting personal information obtained through its online information system and shall not share this information with third parties or use it for other purposes without your consent. In our on-line information system certain links to other external websites, not directly linked to our company, are provided.

OPG Darabos  does not assume responsibility for the protection of data found on those websites.

OPG Darabos . undertakes to do all in its power to protect website visitors’ data and privacy (

To prevent unauthorized access to obtained data or its disclosure, to maintain the accuracy of personal data and ensure its appropriate use, suitable technical and organizational procedures to protect the data being collected are in place. Since the internet can be unpredictable, OPG Darabos cannot prevent possible misuse of information despite all its security measures and safety communication protocols.

This Privacy Policy, within the definition of personal data protection, governs the collection, storage and use of personal data collected by OPG Darabos from you, when you use the website and related web pages.

Owner, controller and administrator of personal data

Definition of “owner of the Website” and “controller or administrator of personal data (administrator)” within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the applicable Croatian Data Protection Act is:

OPG Darabos  Banjscina 92, Varazdin Breg
42204 Gornji Kneginec

Users and related websites


User of the website is any person who, as a visitor, is using this website and related websites of OPG Darabos.

User of OPG Darabos is any person who, as a visitor, uses its website www.villa-darabos-com (further referred to as Website).

Personal data: collection and the purpose of data processing

OPG Darabos  is collecting, upon the user approval, various data about the visitors of the Website, in order to identify the users. The data is collected and used as further described below.

OPG Darabos is collecting, upon the user approval, various data about the visitors of the Website, in order to identify the users. The data is collected and used as further described below.

Data collected from the web forms

OPG Darabos  is collecting personal data from the Website – as long as the user voluntarily submits such data through the use of the web forms on the Website or by subscribing to our newsletter or other forms of e-notices meant for business and marketing communications with the users.

The following data is collected:

  • First and last name
  • Address
  • City and postal code
  • E-mail address
  • IP address
  • Phone number

The purpose of data collection on the Website is of the business nature, meaning that when you submit the form with the intent of business cooperation, you agree that for the purpose of further communication with you, we store your personal data in our database. We store your data based on the legitimate interest of the company OPG Darabos  to process and use your data with a purpose of further cooperation and direct marketing.

Administrator is not liable for the data and contact information as submitted by users for being correct, truthful or up to date. As a user of the Website, it is your responsibility to submit the correct and up-to-date information when using the Website.

Information about the Website use

The Website may automatically collect certain information about the user’s computer hardware and software. This data is exclusively used to provide general statistical information about the Website use. This data may include:

  • IP address of the device used to access the Website
  • Type of browser,
  • Domain name,
  • Access time
  • Addresses of the web pages visited on our Website

This data is collected thru the use of cookies. Use of cookies, their administration and deletion, is further described in the related text.

The purpose of data processing

Fulfillment of the rights and obligations from the submitted enquiries and/or signed contracts

In the framework of selling/buying of products and stemming from its contractual obligations, OPG Darabos  is processing the personal data of users in order to identify the individuals for the purpose of contract execution (the contract for sale of the products between the OPG Darabos and the customer is based on the submitted enquiry, which can be modified from its original in the process of negotiations also outside of the Website). It is therefore considered that the processing of personal data has a legal basis for the purpose of contract conclusion.

In case of the purchase of the product, the personal data is processed for different purposes, such as communication with the purchaser regarding the order execution, problem resolution (claims, warranty), notifications to the purchaser about the order processing and delivery or other notifications required by law for the order execution, for possible collection purposes and for the purposes of accounting and taxes.

Communication with users

Re-marketing (Google, Facebook) with the purpose of better and more relevant user information and for improving a degree of user engagement.

For the purpose of direct marketing – e-mail messages containing useful, educational, interesting or important information from the administrator (information about new offers, promotions, invitations to events, participation in drawings and competitions, useful tips for users etc.)

For market analyses and customer segmentation for tailored offers about products and services.

Based on your submitted personal data you may receive the customized information or offers via email to the email address you submitted or as a printed material to your submitted physical address.

User activity analysis

User segmentation and profiling with the goal of personalized and more relevant information and achieving higher responsiveness to email messages

Analyzing the reading of email messages, particularly which email you opened or didn’t open, which links you clicked (the content you’ve read or viewed), time you spent reading or viewing a particular content etc.

The website can automatically collect data about the hardware and software from the user’s computer as well as some personal data, like IP address. The personal data collected by your visiting the Website is not stored or it’s stored in the anonymous form and as such, not correlated to the users. These data is used by the Google Analytics and the company Google LLC is a data processor within a scope of the legally permitted data processing.

The information is used strictly for preparation of general statistics about the Website use. The data is collected through the use of cookies. Use, management and deletion of cookies is described further in the chapter about cookies policy.

Data processing

Administrator is processing the data based on the law and its lawful interest, unless the interest and basic rights and freedoms of the user to whom the personal data is related, and should as such be protected, prevails. In the scope of its lawful interest, the administrator shall always exercise its judgement based on the current law. The further use of the data in pseudo form or in aggregate form (cumulative form) for example, represents a lawful form of data use for the purpose of marketing or other business or technical analyses of OPG Darabos 

Data users

OPG Darabos hereby commits not to sell, lease or trade your personal data. Your personal data will not be sent or transferred to a third country or an international organization, unless so mandated by law or the legislation of the European Union (mandates from courts, prosecution entities etc.).

In the scope of legal jurisdictions, your data may be disclosed to:

  • Service providers of information technology, in the scope of their service and maintenance of the hardware and software, where your data is being stored
  • Administrator of the Website
  • In some cases, the service providers (third parties) providing us with the access to the Website, development of applications, hosting, maintenance and security backups, archiving, virtual infrastructure, payment processing and other services for which they may require the access to or the use of the data.

In some cases (for example re-marketing) the administration of the data is with the third parties who transmit such data to us, based on their privacy policy.  As users, you can manage your own data and information and control the scope of data and information we obtain from the third parties (for example the social media) by using the appropriate privacy settings in your user accounts with these third parties. OPG Darabos  is not responsible for what third parties do with your personal data and we recommend that you use the trusted applications and that you have the appropriate privacy settings for personal data protection set up with them.

The websites of OPG Darabos  have external links to the websites not under control OPG Darabos  By visiting these websites, you may be submitting your personal data to the third parties, with whom OPG Darabos  doesn’t have a contract regarding the personal data processing. These websites have their own privacy policy on which they base their personal data processing. We recommend that you read the privacy policy and inform yourself about how your personal data is processed when you visit these third-party websites.


The personal data obtained by the administrator by your use of the Website or you provide by submitting any forms from any of our websites or by subscribing to the newsletter or other e-notices, is processed with your explicit and unequivocal consent based on article 6 (1), (a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

You consent to personal data processing by OPG Darabos  when using the Website and clicking “Submit” on the web forms. The administrator will provide an option for your consent whenever necessary without the confirmation window.  User’s personal consent is the exercise of their free will that their personal data can be processed for a certain purpose, based on information provided and guaranteed by the administrator in this privacy policy.

In addition, the user specifically agrees, without limitations, with his personal data being processed for the purpose of pre-contractual processes and contract conclusion and fulfillment, as well as, without limitations, for post-contract processes.

You can withdraw your consent for any particular purpose of data processing at any time, by sending a written notice to us by regular mail or to our email address at [email protected]. In such a case, we will not use your personal data for purposes described in the above paragraph anymore. Such withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing of your personal data prior to your withdrawal.

Your rights                       

In accordance with the current law and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access, amend, delete (the right to be forgotten), and port your data and restrict the processing of your data and have the right to object at any moment.

If you would like to exercise any of your rights or to get additional information or to make a formal complaint, you need to send us a written notice to: OPG Darabos. Banjscina 92, Varazdin Breg, 42204 Gornji Kneginec, Croatia or by email to [email protected]

Your request will be analyzed by a person, accredited for the personal data protections and answered within 30 days or in accordance with the GDPR and its article 37 as per regulation EU 2016/679 by European parliament dated April 27, 2016.

Data retention periods

Data collected by the Website administrator is retained for the use of the administrator in accordance with the terms and purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. Personal data is stored on the Website (as enquiries or contact forms) and in cases of additional processing and communication with the user, on related other databases of the company (such as CRM, software for merchandise management etc.).

Data retention periods may differ and may be subject to regulation of specific sector legislation (e.g. accounting, tax). Different sector legislation provides for different mandatory retention periods which require OPG Darabos  to delete personal data after the expiry of the data retention period.

As a user, you have the right to your data review and to the processing of your data by authorized processors, by submitting written request to OPG Darabos  Šetalište Maršala Tita 19/2, 51415 Lovran, or by email to [email protected]. We will review your request and respond in accordance with the GDPR legislation.

Authorial rights

Administrator of this Website is OPG Darabos . The content published on the OPG Darabos. Website is the property of OPG Darabos  and can be used for non-commercial purposes only, providing all authorial notices are preserved and cannot be re-written or copied or reproduced in any other way.


OPG Darabos  shall provide, with the utmost care, the accurate and up-to-date information and data on its Website. However, it cannot warrant that all the data is accurate or complete and cannot take responsibility for any damages resulting from such data. OPG Darabos  does not take any responsibility for the consequential damages related to the content of the Website. OPG Darabos  does not take any responsibility for any viruses possibly transmitted to the users from this Website and hereby encourages the users to appropriately protect themselves against viruses before downloading any content from this Website.

OPG Darabos  is not responsible for temporarily non-functional Website or inaccurate information on the Website and is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of incomplete or inaccurate information.

Nor OPG Darabos  nor any other physical or legal entity involved in the development of this Website is responsible or liable for any damages resulting from the access to or use of the information on the Website or from the inability to use the information from this Website, or for any inaccurate or incomplete content on the Website.

We reserve the right to redirect the users to other sites on the World Wide Web and are not responsible nor liable for any content on those websites.

Changes to the privacy policy

The administrator reserves the right to change or amend the privacy policy rules for the Website users at any time and without a prior notice. We suggest that the users check the latest date of the general terms of use and its amendments, before using the Website.


The personal privacy policy on this Website is in force from June 3, 2019 and can be changed or amended at any time.